Faces to names

This is the core team at Kalavai.

  • Team member
    Carlos Fernandez Musoles
    CEO & Founder

    2x founder. PhD in Distributed Systems. Addicted to learning.

  • Team member
    Annie Wang
    COO & Founder

    Former Googler. Cambridge MBA.

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Who are we

In a previous life, Carlos was an AI lead for a team of researchers at a startup. He loved the challenge of using technology to bring value to end customers, and together with his team they brought many prototypes to life. Customers showed great interest in early validation, but then it would take ages for those prototypes to materialise into the product. Taking Large Language Models to production is no joke, as it requires integrating many systems and involves many different teams. Worse of all, ever since the irruption of OpenAI and ChatGPT models were getting bigger and bigger, requiring prohibiting amounts of computing resources. What good are open source models if they cannot be practically tamed in products?

So he quit his job and decided to solve this problem. With a very technical background in academia and industry, he felt he needed to find a business partner, and thus he met Annie. She was a former Google strategy lead with an interest in solving societal problems with AI. A business marriage made in heaven.

Our mission

Provide opportunities through affordable access to technology

Why Kalavai*

Kalavai was born to solve Carlos' problems, i.e. to simplify the many tasks that needed to be aligned when using LLMs in applications. He wanted to lift his team and get them focused on adding value, and not boilerplate code, endless procurement applications and handover meetings. But soon he realised many others had the same problems.

If only teams had a way to bootstrap an environment to get LLMs going. All we need is to help them find computing resources, manage the orchestration of modern AI frameworks and doing so whilst giving AI devs as much flexibility as possible -after all, they are experimenting!


*Kalavai means mixture or blend in Tamil, a south Indian language. Both founders have strong (and legally binding) connections to the country, on account of their spouses having been born there.